This Blog will chronicle the journey of two BFF's fighting the urge to chemically abuse their hair and chronicle one mans journey to locks.
We invite you to read our stories and share some laughs with us.


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

I found my first curl!

Ok, so as I stretch out my fingers and prepare them to go on the journey of finding my scalp somewhere beneath this new growth, there it first curl. It stood there strong and proud waiting for me to find it and when I did, I was ecstatic. See, I was an addict, a bad one I tell you. Creamy crack solved all my problems. If I needed my hair washed... I'd take a hit of the creamy crack instead of just washing it. I was so dependent on this high that I don't even remember what my TRUE luscious locks look like. I've always hated the process of getting relaxers but thought I needed one to survive. Well no more! I will not be a slave to the crack! Finding my first curl has given me hope and something to look forward to. Lets just hope I stay this positive because I'm sure the worst has yet to come... Stay tuned :)


I just found another curl lol

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