This Blog will chronicle the journey of two BFF's fighting the urge to chemically abuse their hair and chronicle one mans journey to locks.
We invite you to read our stories and share some laughs with us.


Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Shea it ain't so

Well after all of my excitement over getting my shea butter I can say that I do not think my hair liked it at all. I didn't like how my hair felt with it and all I know is that I had more bad fro days then I can count while using it. I'm trying to find a new hair routine to help combat this heat and humidity. I purchased Lustrasilks Aloe Vera Cholesterol conditioner. It's supposed to be a good moisturizer so we shall see. I've only used it once. Other then that, I've gone back to my coconut oil and the occasional castor oil. This is probably the only time in my life I wished it was a little cooler so I can just wear my little hat all the time lol.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Kinky Twist

I am a weave novice...I got some for my birthday before but other than that I have not had much in my hair other than products! Well this weekend I broke down and let a friend do some kinky twist for me. All I have to say is--it was a nice idea but I do not like the results! I look like a mean 'ol lion! lol I am going to keep them in until I deliver then these suckers are coming out!

The actual twist are neat and her parting was superb but they are super thick and heavy. She used 7 bags of hair!!!!!! I got a whole village on my head! It also took 10 hours!!! But I am grateful because she didn't charge me much and was very flexible to my pregnancy needs.

Anyway, I am going to get micro's when I take these out...I am going to pray it is a better experience!  

Monday, May 3, 2010


So I try to be open to new hair ideas. I tried the Castor Oil challenge (which I btw stopped after 3 weeks lol) and now I'm looking at Henna. Has anyone tried henna? If so, what were your results/opinions?

I may resume my castor oil...

I'm bizack

Where to begin...I haven't blogged in a minute because I didn't want to be a Debbie Downer about my hair. Buuuut sigh, my hair has been dry, kinda brittle, hasn't grown, and if I so much as talk about water I turn into a chia pet. Not to mention I hate that when my hair is down and my head moves one hair stays in its previous position looking like a statue lol.

I don't really know what to do with it at this point. I haven't really had the time to take care of it like I tried to before and every time I wash my hair I get a little more discouraged. I don't want to feel like the only time it looks good is straight. I want to be able to embrace my natural hair but lately I just feel blah about it. I definitely see why people end up doing the big chop. I do hate the relaxed ends at times but I'm not ready to cut anything just yet, I need some more length. Seeing as i'm about 10 months in and my hair doesn't look like it's grown in awhile, I don't see anything other then a trim coming any time soon.

I will be taking a trip to Vegas soon and it is HOOOOOTTTT there. I definitely need to figure something out for my hair before then.